地緣政治與軍事 - The Turning Point https://ttpsince2000.org 翻轉點 Mon, 09 Dec 2024 11:59:45 +0000 zh-TW hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Belt & Road 一帶一路 https://ttpsince2000.org/belt-road-%e4%b8%80%e5%b8%b6%e4%b8%80%e8%b7%af/ Mon, 09 Dec 2024 11:33:31 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2857 ★ Belt & Road Hello everyone! Today, we are going t

The post Belt & Road 一帶一路 first appeared on The Turning Point.

★ Belt & Road

Hello everyone! Today, we are going to introduce the concept of the Belt and Road Initiative. If you try to interpret it literally, it might be hard to understand what it really means. In fact, this is not just a major global event of the 21st century; it is also a significant event in history.


★ 一帶一路



The post Belt & Road 一帶一路 first appeared on The Turning Point.

RECP 地緣經濟整合 https://ttpsince2000.org/recp-%e5%9c%b0%e7%b7%a3%e7%b6%93%e6%bf%9f%e6%95%b4%e5%90%88/ Sat, 07 Sep 2024 07:26:34 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2801 ★ RECP Hello everyone!! Today we are going to talk abou

The post RECP 地緣經濟整合 first appeared on The Turning Point.


Hello everyone!! Today we are going to talk about RCEP, which is an excellent example of regional economic integration.


★ 地緣經濟整合




延伸閱讀 一帶一路

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Brexit 英國脫歐公投 https://ttpsince2000.org/brexit-%e8%8b%b1%e5%9c%8b%e8%84%ab%e6%ad%90%e5%85%ac%e6%8a%95/ Sat, 07 Sep 2024 05:39:25 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2786 ★ Brexit Today, we are introducing BREXIT. The Bri

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★ Brexit

Today, we are introducing BREXIT. The Brits need to use a referendum to decide their future. And you may think: why would England want to leave the European Union? Do you have any reasons in your mind? Let’s switch to the next page and find out.


★ 英國脫歐公投



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Revolution de jasmin 茉莉花革命 https://ttpsince2000.org/revolution-de-jasmin-%e8%8c%89%e8%8e%89%e8%8a%b1%e9%9d%a9%e5%91%bd/ Mon, 11 Mar 2024 13:34:17 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2635 ★ Revolution de jasmin Hello, everyone! Today, we

The post Revolution de jasmin 茉莉花革命 first appeared on The Turning Point.

★ Revolution de jasmin

Hello, everyone! Today, we are presenting a significant geopolitical and military event – the Jasmine Revolution, or “revolution de jasmin”, a pivotal event in recent history. What comes to your mind when you hear “Jasmine”? Delicate flowers might come to mind. But what happens when jasmine symbolises a revolution? We’ll explore this unique blend of beauty and uprising in the context of the Jasmine Revolution.”


★ 茉莉花革命

今天我們要帶來的是地緣政治與軍事篇的重大事件 – 茉莉花革命;revolution de jasmin,這是法文。大家可以先想像一下;提到茉莉花會讓你想到什麼?當茉莉花和革命產生關連時,這又會是一種什麼樣的情況呢?就讓我們一起來看看什麼是茉莉花革命;一個用法文定義的,revolution de jasmin~


延伸閱讀 金融風暴 網際網路 社群媒體1.0 社群媒體2.0

The post Revolution de jasmin 茉莉花革命 first appeared on The Turning Point.

FINANCIAL CRISIS 金融風暴 https://ttpsince2000.org/%e9%87%91%e8%9e%8d%e9%a2%a8%e6%9a%b4-financial-crisis/ Mon, 11 Mar 2024 12:58:31 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2633 ★ FINANCIAL CRISIS Hello everyone~ Today, we will

The post FINANCIAL CRISIS 金融風暴 first appeared on The Turning Point.


Hello everyone~ Today, we will discuss an important event in military and geopolitical affairs: the financial crisis. This incident was not as violent as a military war, but its impact and cruelty were even greater than those of war. As long as the word finance is used, everyone will understand that it has to do with our wealth, and the storm indicates that it will be quite serious and should not be treated lightly.


★ 金融風暴



延伸閱讀 茉莉花革命

The post FINANCIAL CRISIS 金融風暴 first appeared on The Turning Point.

BRICS 金磚五國 https://ttpsince2000.org/brics-%e9%87%91%e7%a3%9a%e4%ba%94%e5%9c%8b/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 15:33:31 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2551 ★ BRICS Hello everyone~ Today’s topic is – BRICS.H

The post BRICS 金磚五國 first appeared on The Turning Point.


Hello everyone~ Today’s topic is – BRICS.Have you ever heard of the BRICS countries?What is your impression of them? These so-called BRICS countries are not countries that specialize in producing gold. What exactly are they? Why are they called BRICS countries,Well, that’s what we are going to talk about today.



你們有聽過金磚國家嗎? 你對他們的印象又是什麼呢? 這些所謂的金磚國家,並不是專門生產黃金的國家,他們到底是什麼?為什麼會被稱之為金磚國家,所以今天就會為大家說明。


The post BRICS 金磚五國 first appeared on The Turning Point.

GLOBALIZATION 全球化 https://ttpsince2000.org/%e5%85%a8%e7%90%83%e5%8c%96/ Sat, 31 Dec 2022 11:44:23 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=2336 ★ GlobalizationToday we are going to talk about a topic

The post GLOBALIZATION 全球化 first appeared on The Turning Point.

Today we are going to talk about a topic that everyone is familiar with. I believe everyone should have heard of globalization, right?How much do you know about globalization? What does it mean? Do you know what profound impact the so-called globalization has on us?Everyone can give today’s topics some careful thought before moving on.


★ 全球化


延伸閱讀 RCEP地緣經濟整合

延伸閱讀 一帶一路

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WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭 https://ttpsince2000.org/%e5%8f%8d%e6%81%90%e6%88%b0%e7%88%ad/ Thu, 10 Nov 2022 09:54:30 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=1973 ★ WAR ON TERRORHave you heard of terrorist attacks or t

The post WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭 first appeared on The Turning Point.

Have you heard of terrorist attacks or terrorists? What is your impression of them?
The majority of people only have seen it in movies or other films.
When we see war events that seem to have nothing to do with us in the news or are engrossed in the excitement of shooting bullets in movies. How would you feel if it happens to you?
The actual terrorist not attacks only caused serious harm to the people but also created numerous problems for all nations in the world.
Today, we will learn about what is the fight on terror. What is the so-called “war on terror” and why did it start?


大家應該都聽過恐怖攻擊或是恐怖份子,你對他們的印象是什麼?對於大部分的人來說,都是在電影或是其他影片裡面見到,當我們沉浸在電影中槍林彈雨的刺激感,或是新聞中看著似乎跟我們沒有關聯的戰爭事件,如果真實發生在你我身上,又會是如何?真正的恐怖攻擊不只是帶給人民嚴重的傷害,同時也對世界各國造成了許多困擾。到底什麼是反恐戰爭? 又是怎麼形成的呢? 讓我們一起來瞭解!


延伸閱讀 THE 911 INCIDENT 911恐怖攻擊行動

The post WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭 first appeared on The Turning Point.

THE 911 INCIDENT 911恐怖攻擊行動 https://ttpsince2000.org/911%e6%81%90%e6%80%96%e6%94%bb%e6%93%8a%e8%a1%8c%e5%8b%95/ Sat, 05 Nov 2022 04:01:23 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=1880 ★ 911 TERRORIS ATTACKWhat comes to mind when you hear t

The post THE 911 INCIDENT 911恐怖攻擊行動 first appeared on The Turning Point.

What comes to mind when you hear the number 911?Did you know that in the United States, in an emergency, you must dial 911 to call the police (119 in Taiwan).However, hearing the three numerals 911 is a painful and emotional recollection for Americans…
Why is this the case?What precisely happened? Allow me to take you through this shocking and tragic history.

To learn more War On Terror


★ 911恐怖攻擊行動
提到911這個數字會聯想到什麼呢?對於美國人來說,聽到911這三個數字,代表著一段令人感到哀傷的回憶…究竟911事件發生了什麼事?蓋達組織和恐怖份子又為什麼要駕著飛機衝撞紐約世界貿易中心-雙子星大樓,讓翻轉點帶你一起瞭解,這段讓全世界都震驚的重大事件 – 911恐怖攻擊行動。

想瞭解更多請看下一篇 反恐戰爭


延伸閱讀 WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭

The post THE 911 INCIDENT 911恐怖攻擊行動 first appeared on The Turning Point.
