terror - The Turning Point https://ttpsince2000.org 翻轉點 Sun, 08 Sep 2024 02:56:08 +0000 zh-TW hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭 https://ttpsince2000.org/%e5%8f%8d%e6%81%90%e6%88%b0%e7%88%ad/ Thu, 10 Nov 2022 09:54:30 +0000 https://ttpsince2000.org/?p=1973 ★ WAR ON TERRORHave you heard of terrorist attacks or t

The post WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭 first appeared on The Turning Point.

Have you heard of terrorist attacks or terrorists? What is your impression of them?
The majority of people only have seen it in movies or other films.
When we see war events that seem to have nothing to do with us in the news or are engrossed in the excitement of shooting bullets in movies. How would you feel if it happens to you?
The actual terrorist not attacks only caused serious harm to the people but also created numerous problems for all nations in the world.
Today, we will learn about what is the fight on terror. What is the so-called “war on terror” and why did it start?


大家應該都聽過恐怖攻擊或是恐怖份子,你對他們的印象是什麼?對於大部分的人來說,都是在電影或是其他影片裡面見到,當我們沉浸在電影中槍林彈雨的刺激感,或是新聞中看著似乎跟我們沒有關聯的戰爭事件,如果真實發生在你我身上,又會是如何?真正的恐怖攻擊不只是帶給人民嚴重的傷害,同時也對世界各國造成了許多困擾。到底什麼是反恐戰爭? 又是怎麼形成的呢? 讓我們一起來瞭解!


延伸閱讀 THE 911 INCIDENT 911恐怖攻擊行動

The post WAR ON TERROR 反恐戰爭 first appeared on The Turning Point.
