★ 未來孩童國際營 ★
時間:112/8/5 (六)上午9:00~12:00
地點:台北市松山區福成里辦公處 (敦化南路一段100巷5弄4號)
費用:免費(Founder Emily Liao競賽獎金贊助)
FB:The Turning Point 翻轉點
★ TTP Summer Camp ★
Time: 2023/8/5 (Sat.) 9:00~12:00 PM
Venue: Fu-Cheng Li office (No. 4, Aly. 5, Ln. 100, Sec. 1, Dunhua S. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City)
Fee: free
registration: https://forms.gle/tqS5W1msFFi1pwoM7
Are you ready for a summer of excitement? After composing multiple lesson plans, we chose the 3 most imteresting and representative classes to share with you.Do not hesitate to invite your family and friends to participate in this summer camp, because it would be a summer of knowledge and fun! The Turning Point is excited to see you on 8/5.