Emily Liao

Hello everyone, I’m Emily and I study at Wego High School. Imagination is what drives me into doing what I love. Me having so much energy and passion derives to the fact that creativity practically made me who I am. Also, debate is one of my favorite hobbies. By understanding international affairs through debate and seeing the importance of it resulted in this project – The Turning Point. From debate, I could see events from different perspectives and make comprehensive judgements rather than following my guts. Last but not least, I am glad that I have the chance to work on this project with my friend Vincent, who also shared this interest with me.

我是Emily,就讀薇閣中學;是個活潑好動,但內心細膩的人。我喜歡閱讀和思考,也喜歡想像;想過去和未來,傳統或創新。除此之外;我也很喜歡辯論活動,國際政治、外交情勢、全球議題等是最常接觸到的辯題,這也是我創辦「The Turning Point 翻轉點」的原因之一,因為從辯論活動中讓我瞭解到,原來從不同角度看事情,瞭解背後的形成原因,還原事件的全貌,不但能擴大視野,還能讓我們更客觀深刻地去思考,翻轉既定觀點。我非常開心能夠和我從小到大的好朋友,也是我的共同創辦人歐陽孝鈞一起創立 The Turning Point 翻轉點,有好夥伴一起努力的感覺,真的很棒!


Vincent Ou Yang

My name is Vincent Ou Yang, and I’m from Taipei, Taiwan. I’m currently studying in Taipei European School. I am an observant person, as I have attention to detail very quickly in a whole new environment. Also, I am a great team player with patience because I always excel in my responsibilities when being assigned for and good at achieving the aims of the assignment via teamwork. Besides, I am capable of cheering people up when the team is having a difficult day. With the personal characteristics described above, an empathetic and trust-worthy person is what I am to all my friends.



Dora Hung

Hello, I am Dora Hung. I was introduced to The Turning Point by its founder, Emily Liao, and I strongly resonate with the TTP. Upon receiving Emily’s invitation, I joined the TTP team, primarily focusing on visual arts design. I will use my expertise and abilities to help more people understand global current events and explore our world. I have a profound interest in culture and art design. Additionally, I am an avid traveler. During my travels, I can explore different cultures, art, and landscapes, facilitating cultural exchange. Traveling also allows me to learn about local events and activities, gain insights into the customs, and values of various countries, and enhance my understanding and collaboration with others.

我是Dora Hung,因為創辦人Emily Liao對國際教育的熱情,讓我認識了The Turning Point ,我對語言文化和藝術設計有濃厚的興趣,另外我也是一位熱愛旅行的人,旅行途中我可以探索不同的人文與風景,促進文化的交流;旅行也可以了解到當地所發生的事情或活動,學習不同國家的風俗民情和價值觀,幫助我增進與他人之間的理解和合作,我會發揮自己的專長和能力,幫助更多人瞭解國際時事、認識我們的世界。


Vincent Tsai

My name is Vincent, and I’m currently a student at Wego High School. From a young age, I’ve been drawn to the intersection of art and social service, and I’ve found that these passions have led me towards a dream of becoming an architect. Outside of my academic pursuits, I’m an outgoing person who enjoys connecting with others and lending a helping hand whenever I can. Whether it’s volunteering at local organizations or simply being there for friends and family, I find fulfillment in making a difference in the lives of others. I look forward to be a part of The Turning Point and to learn and grow from the process.

我是一個外向的人,喜歡與他人交流並盡可能伸出援手。無論是在當地組織做志願者,還是只是為朋友和家人服務,我都能從改變他人的生活中找到滿足感。 我期待成為轉捩點的一部分,並從這個過程中學習和成長。


Benson Kuo

Hi guys, I’m Benson and study at Fushing. I‘m a boy of imagination since I was little and the question ”why“ has always been on my mind forever. I like to find different paths that could help me reach my solutions because I enjoy the process of thinking. In my free time, I like to play basketball, ride ad bike and do anything entertaining. I hope I can grow and learn lots from TTP and find my place in this big world.

Hello, 我是Benson,目前就讀復興中學,我從小就愛天馬行空,胡思亂想,好奇心讓我最愛問的就是”為什麼”,特別喜歡反向思考,試著去尋找不同的答案。平時喜歡打球、騎腳踏車、耍寶搞怪;很開心能夠加入翻轉點團隊,團隊中的大小事我都希望能夠參與,並且跟著夥伴們共同學習,帶給大家歡樂的氣氛,在未來多變的世界裏,找到屬於自己的一片天地。