★ Revolution de jasmin

Hello, everyone! Today, we are presenting a significant geopolitical and military event – the Jasmine Revolution, or “revolution de jasmin”, a pivotal event in recent history. What comes to your mind when you hear “Jasmine”? Delicate flowers might come to mind. But what happens when jasmine symbolises a revolution? We’ll explore this unique blend of beauty and uprising in the context of the Jasmine Revolution.”


★ 茉莉花革命

今天我們要帶來的是地緣政治與軍事篇的重大事件 – 茉莉花革命;revolution de jasmin,這是法文。大家可以先想像一下;提到茉莉花會讓你想到什麼?當茉莉花和革命產生關連時,這又會是一種什麼樣的情況呢?就讓我們一起來看看什麼是茉莉花革命;一個用法文定義的,revolution de jasmin~
